
Perfect your Winter Smile with Lipsmacker and DenTek

10/25/2013 12:40:00 pm

A smile is the most recognised facial expression in the world, it signifies happiness, sociability, amusement and pleasure. With this in mind, what better excuse do we need to ensure our smile is beautiful?

Lip Smacker

This winter, Lip Smacker have released a new product to their ever growing collection of fun and fruity lip gloss, Cola Mistletoe Kisses
The packaging is purposely designed so that the product can be hung as a Christmas decoration. The heart shaped tin is perfectly sized for your pocket or handbag and the contents are just divine. The gloss leaves a beautiful sheen, tastes and smells amazing (not that I am encouraging you to eat it, its is not edible!) and leaves your lips conditioned beautifully protecting them against the cold weather.

This cute little product would be great as a stocking filler this Christmas.
£3.00 Available in Sainburys


DenTek have recently launched a new product which makes flossing on the go a lot easier!
Flossing is just as important as brushing, in the upkeep of healthy teeth and gums.
These fabulous little Floss sticks have mint paste along the floss, which helps fight bad breath whilst reducing tooth decay and removing food and plaque.

No one likes to be left embarrassed after a full conversation with someone, only to discover they have food in their teeth! So to save all embarrassment, these perfectly sized floss picks also come with a pointed end which acts perfectly as a tooth pick.
£5.10 Available on Amazon. Visit for the full range
Dentek have also recently released this fabulous tongue cleaner! 90% of bad breath can be caused by harmful bacteria on the tongue, by removing this soft plaque on the tongue you are removing most of the bacteria!!!
£4.09 Available on Amazon
Get those teeth flossed and lips glossed, tongues cleaned and pucker up this Christmas

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